Originally Posted by no5no5
It's not impossible, for some people, at some times, to make the right choice. But I don't think that you can assume that because one person makes the right choice that it is easy for everyone to do so. As I said, different people are different. They have different circumstances, different ideals, different abilities, different fears, different knowledge, etc., etc. Can you really say that if you were in Nazi Germany you would have been one of the few who stood up and resisted? Of course all of us would like to believe that we would have, but history tells otherwise.

That is why I think that emotions are so important. Is logic what decides how people act? IME, it is not the primary factor. I don't think it is about intelligence or presence of mind. Fear, hatred, contempt, courage, love, compassion...these are the things that determine how one acts in any given situation.

Again, articulating my response about how logic and emotions interplay is one of those things that drives me nuts because that's one of those things I do attach a great deal of emotions to.

It is sort of ironic in an amusing (the good sort of amusing) way, but I don't think it's at all a bad or somehow not accurate or correct thing, that I attach a lot of emotions to how I think about the use of logic (because I value it greatly). :P

Last edited by ACh; 10/06/10 07:53 AM.