Oh look, as a student myself, I have to agree with you about the vast majority of students. Not because they aren't as smart as me - I don't know if they are or aren't - but because they don't care! They are not there to learn about something they find interesting, they are there to earn a grade doing the bare minimum they can get by with so they can go to the tavern and get drunk. frown Yes, it's frustrating. No, I don't socialize with them often. Why would I? I have nothing in common with them. I don't bear any ill-will to them, except that they do make my life in the classroom boring and a lot less engaging than it would otherwise be. I just had to vent that too. I come home and rant to my DH and get it out of my system. You have to let it go, if for no other reason than hanging onto it makes you feel bad wink

What has been my saving grace has been two-fold. 1) enjoying the company of some commonalities when they occur and 2) Having one person I do feel really comfortable with. I am lucky to have that.

Another thing is that I have gotten a lot better at chasing people I can see any possibility of that connection. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.

It sounds like you are dealing with a lot right now, ACh. I hope it gets better for you. I think the age you are at is a tricky one too. I don't mean that in a condescending way, so I hope you are not insulted, I just mean that it is a exciting but incredibly difficult time for many people as they go through it, and more so as a gifted person. I'm kind of glad to be - ahem - well through it wink

Sending hugs

ETA: Ok, I KNOW my statement about most students is a complete exaggeration and in a more charitable mood I wouldn't say 'tavern' I would probably say they are busy working or something like that because I know that a lot of them probably are. But I also understand the sheer frustration of sitting in a class while the lecturer explains for the third time something those students should have learned three years ago. It does lead one to exaggerations. smile

I also wanted to add a specific survival strategy for that situation. Doodling. Honestly some of my lecture notes were almost unreadable for all the fantastic artwork surrounding them. Saved my sanity many times smile

Last edited by GeoMamma; 10/06/10 12:12 AM.