Originally Posted by ACh
lucounu, I've actually gotten a good deal of reassurance and information from this thread. Perhaps you could give me some information on one thing: When I talk about a topic that is very emotionally 'triggering', one might say, I have a very, very hard time articulating my point accurately - it feels as if there are no words in English to make my point, even if someone later makes the same point in a better way than I could think of. What advice do you have about this?

Hi ACh,
I'm not Lucounu, but I have my hand up and waving wildly - pick me - pick me!

Articulating emotional points is very difficult and gets easier with practice. My advice is a 3 step process:
1) free write without regard to how it will sound to anyone else. Writing is a way to find out what you are thinking and make new connections.
2) set the first writing aside and imagine someone you love, and write so that they will understand what you are trying to say.
3) Develop someone you trust enough to ask them to read what you write, and ask what message they are recieving, and try to figure out if you communicated well.


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