Hi Kriston.
My son is really NOT into structured math curriculum but LOVES math. So we have always just played lots of games that work on skills - there are lots of games out there like Shut The Box and CountDown that work on facts without working on them, YKWIM? Also computer games are popular at our house for the same reason. We use Zoombini games for logic/reasoning, MathBlaster for facts and Math Missions. We also have some programs and games that work on time, money and fractions. But, my son is computer game type kid MUCH more than a math worksheet kid.

I also joined a yahoo group called "MathingOff" which provides tons of resources for unschooling math. We explore websites that are posted on the groups listserv, lots of cool math related topics that don't feel like learning to my son at all! Maybe some of that type of approach would help to jazz things up for you!