Thanks, 'Neato. I'm SERIOUSLY considering Aleks. DH and I discussed it at lunch, and he's on board. I just have to decide what I think will work best for us at this juncture. My concern with Aleks is that DS is still going to be expected to know the times tables. I don't want to run into this same problem with Aleks that we had with Singapore, since aside from this little roadblock of our own making, we've been happy with Singapore.

Anyway, I appreciate the feedback a whole gob! smile

Hey, 'Neato, what do you think about letting DS6 use the calculator sometimes for multiplication so that we can charge onward? Does that seem like a good idea or a bad idea to you?

I, too, worry about missing things if we jump around. But, then again, DS6 has covered nearly 2 years of math in one semester, so it's not like he's behind. That thought reassures me when I get nervous about going "off-road" with him.

After all, those gaps are where the learning happens, right? laugh
