Originally Posted by LMom
I think you can let your son use the calculator. Concepts are much more interesting than pure counting. Let's face it how many adults really use long division? Of course he will have to learn it one day but it shouldn't keep him from enjoying the more interesting topics.

This was my thinking exactly. Plus, as visual as DS6 is, he might actually learn the multiplication by accident if he sees the calculator spit out the same answers to the problems each time. That would be ideal. smile

I just don't want to handicap him, to make him unable to do the calculations when he needs to learn it, you know? I don't think that would happen, but I'm certainly no expert on this!

The Zaccaro sounds good.

We do use Singapore "Challenging Word Problems" and the "Intensive Workbook." They help slow things down a bit. But he's still pretty bored with it all if he's not learning new concepts, which seems like it defeats the purpose of home schooling!


