Hi Twinkle Toes,

No formal recommendations from the therapists yet. Just as you say - catch and reward the positive. She is actually pretty calm at home, well organized, helpful etc. most of the time like any other child. Her ramped up behavior starts the minute we are in a new or exciting situation - the grocery store, a dance class etc. She does actually jump up on the couch and laugh out loud at funny shows or during a fun game though. I think it is over-stimulation, poor sensory processing and a lack of ability to self-regulate. It is the inability to self-regulate that gets me...why just this one child of mine...what is behind it? Sigh....

Well I am sure that like me you adore your little ones and yes as passthepotatoes says the days go slow and the years fly by. Perhaps this perspective is easier for me as my older children are 19 and 21 and it seems to have passed in a heartbeat.

Definitely research all the places and options that allow her to be with others learning how to be social and getting her energy needs met while you get a chance to see other grown-ups and take a bit of a rest! Easier said than done I know. :-)

And vent vent vent away!
