To me, it sounds creative. My ASD son will fixate on things, but will have no interest in including me in it. It sounds like your daughter is play acting and exploring ALL the details of a character...while my son would fixate on one specific aspect of a character and repeat that same thing over and over. For him, for a long time it was roads...we have 50 blank books FILLED with his drawings of roads. Yet, if he were like your daughter, he would have had me in his room taking me with him on his journey through the roads and showing me what we are all discovering. My son's roads are just roads. Do you see the difference? I'm not an expert by any means, but your daughter's obsession sounds creative and not like Asperger' least not the Asperger's as displayed by my son! Anecdotal, I know, but that's the best I got!!!! Nan