It sounds like she is a very creative very bright child. I delt with same issues when he was 4yrs. old. I gave him as many different interests as possible to help balance his need for sensory input, with interesting input, so he didn't just get stuck on one thing. He would lay in the driveway for hours sorting out different rocks,color,type so I got him a rock tumbler and he made jewelry. Took him to the garden center and touched and smelled,tasted herbs, and talked about plant. Then started garden and discussed how to plant it and he loved that! Getting to pick and eat veg's. He collected everything! Took nature walks and gathered things to make things out of, grass and sticks became baskets. Since she is drawing you might go to library and get a book on plants or flowers to make a garden and let her draw a graph of where to put plants,how much space they take,ect. For a child with a creative, very bright mind she need variety and input. It might give you a bit of a break if you can funnel her energy into physical expressions of her amazing imagination through art, I found providing a very large variety of craft supplys it allowed a outlet for all that wonder energy. I bought a load of sand and he spent hours making ,sculpting and designing towns and ponds ect.. He wanted to touch everything in the store so all of these things worked great. He was down loading information by mult-sensory input. Your daughter is very verbal. She sounds wonderful. I do understand the overload when stuck on one thing. If you could find a child to play with her it would give you a break and bring her back from alternative universe to real universe. He also started card collections. I sure know what you are going through. So have a very long extensive list of how I delt with same issues. Let me know if you would like any more info. I tend to do TMI. Wishing you the best!