Originally Posted by galtgrl
This is related, but not exactly on topic...please bear with me.
I've been struggling with the decision of whether or not to do the IQ test and apply for DYS. This thread is interesting, in that you say the COGAT isn't really a reliable indicator of giftedness.

My daughter scored 99th percentile on it (all subgroups/comp) 2 years ago, and this year qualifies for DYS as far as her ACT scores go.
I guess my questions are:
Do you think it's worth it to get the IQ test on her (at 12 years old) AND
Should I have any expectations of where her score on said IQ test would be?

We homeschool, but I would love to have someone to talk to about the decisions we need to make for her about early college, etc. That is why DYS appeals to me. I feel like I'm flailing about now, while I felt pretty confident about what we were doing with/ for her throughout the elementary/junior high years. Thanks for any input! -J
In your instance, I would absolutely go for more testing if you can afford it. Your dd has a lot of strong indicators of giftedness especially the DYS level scores on the ACT. I would have to imagine that a child who scores in the 99th percentile across the board on the CogAT is likely to be gifted. There would likely be a difference btwn that and one 95th percentile score on one of the subtests of the same test. That coupled with the achievement scores certainly looks like a gifted child.

I don't know that the CogAT is worthless. I can't imagine that it would be used if it was. I have one child whose IQ scores are in the 99th+ on the verbal subtest of the WISC, for instance, & whose verbal CogAT wasn't anywhere near her verbal WISC, so there obviously isn't an exact correlation. I can accept that. What I am unsure of is whether the opposite can occur - the CogAT overpredicting ability. It sounds like it is a possibility, but it doesn't sound like a likelihood in your instance.