Originally Posted by Cricket2
That just blows my mind b/c that would mean that avg is really, really slow appearing to me. One of the GT ided kids I can think of in particular strikes me as average, at best, and maybe somewhat below. I am shocked if this child really is a person with an IQ around 125 (I know that the CogAT isn't an IQ test, per se, but it is supposed to correlate). Of course, we are talking about one part of the CogAT, not the composite score and that might make a difference as well.

It has taken me most of my teaching career (Latin, in diverse classrooms) to reorient to average. Average is frustratingly slow to me. Average is learning a skill in twenty-something repetitions (my GT population can sometimes master a skill in under five repetitions). My average kids consistently misuse homonyms and make obvious-to-me grammar and punctuation errors. Etc. My reasonably bright 125-ish kids don't all present as perfect (some are high achievers who do strive for details, though) but make fewer obvious errors and require fewer repetitions. More than five reps, though. My own learning speed is about 3-5 repetitions, so even my bright kids seem slow in comparision.

Sorry, this rambled.

DD12, 7th. Dx'd ADHD/GAD. No IQ test. EXPLORE & SAT just miss DYS but suspect HG+