I guess that I ask b/c I am trying to understand what must be some misperception on my behalf. I'm trying to wrap my head around things that just aren't making sense to me.

I've said before that my dd11 tested in the 98th percentile (total) on IQ at 7. Her achievement scores have consistently been much higher than that and the tester did feel that it was somewhat of an underestimation due to her refusal to complete the block design subtest, which came out at the 25th percentile as compared to the other portions of PRI which were btwn the 99th to 99.9th. I believe pretty firmly that dd is a 99th percentile kid, but not a DYS level kid.

I am seeing kids who present to me as clearly not gifted who are ided as GT and who are scoring in the 95th percentile on at least part of the CogAT (that's the most common test used by both local districts). I realize that there are varying degrees of gifted and that dd is probably more than MG so she will, of course, look different than a MG child. However, I wouldn't expect the gap btwn her and MG kids to be so huge that they would appear average to me.

I am trying to figure out if I am just seriously misjudging some of these other kids who are in dd's classes or if maybe it just has something to do with personality on dd's behalf that she presents as more gifted than she is.

When I am saying that these other kids don't appear gifted to me, here's what I mean. I'll give a verbal example b/c there are some kids who have a LA GT id who've attempted to quiz dd what her scores were and proceeded to show dd their test scores so I have some hard data there. One of these children was in the 95th percentile on the CogAT verbal, and has a Lexile score that would be about 3 grades above grade level. That lexile is still 400+ points below where dd's was a year ago. The child speaks with grossly grammatically incorrect sentences regularly, just doesn't seem to "get" things that would indicate critical thinking capacity (I know that is subjective), and has a fairly poor vocabulary. Re vocab, for instance, this child regularly doesn't know what some of their spelling words mean and uses very simple vocab in speaking.

Reality is, it isn't an issue for me if schools are misidentifying, but if I am totally off and assuming that some of these kids are just being overidentified and they are actually gifted, then it does leave me wondering if I am also underestimating dd and I just don't think that I am underestimating her.

Would a difference of a few percentiles look that stark at the upper end? What must an average child look like, then? I don't think that I've met many average children if this is what MG looks like.