Hypothetical question here (not in re to my kids):

I know that we've discussed how many of us aren't terribly fond of the group ability tests (Raven, CogAT, OLSAT) as the ability criterion for GT program entry. I also know that I've read that the correlation with IQ isn't necessarily infallible in terms of a gifted child who may not test in the gifted range on a group test.

I am wondering, though, whether anyone has any opinion as to whether it is possible or likely for a child to test highly on part of a group ability test and not be gifted?

For instance, our local districts would id a child as gifted in a single subject (say math or reading) based upon a 95th percentile score on the math or reading portion of the CogAT. There are a lot of kids who are gifted per these guidelines. Probably 15-20% of kids score in the top 5% of some portion of some group ability test. Is this just a case of casting a broad net or is it possible for someone to be in the top 5% of quantitative ability on the CogAT (again, just a random example) and not be a gifted child? Would this same hypothetical child likely test in the top 5% of the quantitative portion of an IQ test then as well?