Originally Posted by elh0706
DS is now 11 and we are finally seeing that he has glimmers of understanding the value of effort and output.

elh706, tks so much for giving me hope. I try to overtly provide the connection for my DS7, but that hasn't happened yet. Was just talking to DH - I shall ban the words "easy" and "smart" from my vocabulary frown. I say to him, "It seems easy for you because of all the hard work you put in, not because you're smart", and all he hears is "It's easy for you ... because you're smart"!! *faint*

To the OP, I see what you're saying. You're trying to inculcate good habits and high goals at a young age. I'm taking a page from elh706 to say, give it time. There was a time when, especially after I learnt how gifted he was (it's embarrassing to say it now, but it's true) that I became so frustrated with my son for not doing more. This is ironic because he is far ahead in so many areas, but all I could think of was that little bit more. I've come to realize that sitting back, observing, and experiencing the process of growing together is so much more fulfilling than fitting him into some model of a "gifted child". Potentially too, it will provide him with a better sense of himself than if I were to keep shaping him.

Your daughter does sound very wonderful and you must be so proud of her. All the best to both of you.