Originally Posted by XGiftiePhiles
So, um yes, we didn't want to drone on about the problems, but he really does seem to have some ballance/coordination stuff going on. Are we pathologizing? Probably, but he is our kid, so we tend to think about him a fair amount. On a purely positive note, we are meeting on Thursday with the school special ed/student coordinator person, who has been encouraging throughout this process. She also wants to figure out X�s actual math level and feels confident we can create a curriculum for him. We are going to let her optimism buoy ours for now.

I just wanted to clarify that I didn't think that you were pathologizing, more that the PT/OT who did the evaluation seemed as if she were overstatinbg the significance of his delays in large and small motor skills. To me, the report you quoted seemed a bit alarmist and your DS's coordination didn't seem so different than normal. Which is not to say that you shouldn't be interested and possibly concerned. I totally get that you care about your son and are in tune with him and are just wanting to make sure that you don't ignore a skill set that needs to be worked on. I know I have certainly noticed things that I thought weren't quite right in my kids and I did my darndest to learn about the situation and make whatever changes were necessary. You're just being good parents. Sorry that I didn't say that clearly before. blush

I'm glad to hear that the school special ed/student coordinator is working with you and is so encouraging! There's nothing better than talking with someone who really wants to try to understand your child and give them the right situation! I hope you are able to get a more accurate assessment of his math skills and get him what he needs.

Last edited by mnmom23; 04/20/10 05:31 PM.

She thought she could, so she did.