Thank you for the suggestions. We read that neat article and intend to seek out a behavioral optometrist in our area. The explanation of the SB-5 sounds like it might provide results more in line with the abilities he routinely demonstrates. In the short term, we plan to try to understand and address the weaker areas to eliminate some of the frustration he feels. We don't want him to lose his love of math while his little hands are catching up. We're not sure what you mean by a "log" as we have not read Doctor Ruf's book, but we compared our son to a "table of developmental milestones contrasting normal children with gifted children at 30% advancement" and he consistently lags behind or at normal ability in general and fine motor, and was advanced well beyond the 30% gifted in all of the cognitive/language examples. So we were rather underwhelmed and confused by an FSIQ several deviations below our estimates and those of family members (their own IQ's and estimates of his).
Thank you again.