Sounds like you've got a wonderful pre-school there. I know it's scary, but the big rule is - meet todays needs today, and let the future take care of itself (exception for folks who are depending on College Scholarships)

It's hard not to cave into the "get your foot in the door" pressure to compete for spots, but let me assure you, with a child like yours, either the school with "get" him and be desperate for him, or won't "get" him and wouldn't be useful to you anyway.

The private school DS10 is in now was said to be full, and not taking any more kids, until I got on the phone with them in Mid August! He was in in 2 weeks, Grade skiped 4 weeks later. Whatever else happens, I am convinced that they can "see" my child.

The bottom line, talk to a lot of people, and take whatever they say with a grain of salt. Enjoy every moment. You're eyes are so much more open than mine - LOL, I knew my child was a bit different, but I figured it was because I was doing such a splendid job! Afterall I was doing what all the books had said to do. (And I had read all the books) But beyond MG? Me? Him? Naaaah.


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