I have a similar son just a couple of years older. He reads, does addition and subtraction, knows the states and capitals, etc. I found out that in VA I can pay for Kindergarden as long as he was in the same birth year. Since mine has a December birthday I plan to start him in Sept. (he will turn 4 this year). William & Mary has a gifted program that starts at 4 and he will be starting that in Jan. Currently he goes to preschool 2 days a week and he thinks it's boring but likes playing. I find that it takes a lot more work for me then most of the other Moms I have met. He absorbs any kind of learning like he's dehydrated!! I try to keep him active. He has yet to develop fine motor skills so he can't do workbook type things...yet. LOL

My advise take a deep breath and enjoy this time with him. You will find the path and it's great that you have started the research now. Don't let the "vultures" get you down!

(Thanks Trinity for more ideas I hadn't discovered smile )