No, you are not panicing for no reason. You have every reason for concern. You're here, so there is no need to panic. If I'm reading this correctly, your son is one year old. That means that you are 6 years ahead of me!

Advice time -
I relax and enjoy these preschool years. You have 4 more years to pretend to be a normal family! By the time he's five, you'll know if homeschooling is the only option. LOL - you may have moved to Reno and he might be ready of Davidson Academy (middle school level work) - It a little to early to know.

What to do now?
Read Deb Ruf's Loosing our Minds and Document, Document, Document, in a journal or with a cam corder if possible.

Read Sylvia Rimm - to figure out how to compliment the work and not the inate ability.

Network - online, as you have, also if you haven't already, and
IRL - State Gifted Organisations, weekend conferences, local universities, homeschooling parents in your area (a large chunck of them are homechooling for the same reason you'll start needing to)

Avoid the media. A child doesn't need to be in the newspaper because of what they are - only if they actually accomplish something to be proud of.

Start, quietly, homeschooling now - "Unschooling" style to start with - John Holt has books on it. The whole idea is to follow the childs lead.

Don't hold back on teaching the child something now for fear that "he'll be bored later." This held me back in my Denial Days.

Don't hold back on giving him the stimulation he wants for fear of how it will look to other Adults. If they haven't BTDT, they may never understand. This is an intersting challenge for many of us - moral courage. Start where you are and grow from there.

Most of all Welcome - we want to hear every brag and amasement.


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