My DS9 is an almost obssesive reader. He gets really upset if he has no books from the library. We do have a nice little libary at home for backup. He has recently told me he is very bored and needs a new series but does respond well to my suggestions anymore. I have offered him flyers, websites, Children's book guides, ects. Our neighborhood librian is not so great with suggestions. I told him he needs to make and effort because it will not magically happen. I asked him what types of books he is interested and he doesn't know. It seems like nothing will please him. He would like a new series.

He is sensitive. I asked if some books scared him and he said No. He has also been reading shorter books but he was very into the Droon series. I thought that was ok.

Any insight to why he might be so stuck? Maybe he has Reading Overload Syndrome? any body know the cure or have experience?

Last edited by onthegomom; 12/11/09 09:09 AM.