DS7 loves the Angie Sage books, Artemis Fowl, and Percy Jackson. I want to add the Alchemyst series. It is a story of Nicholas Flamel. He also likes the Warrior series.

With DS, often time he does not like to start a new book. The way I lure him to read a new series is to start reading out loud the beginning of a book. If he found it interesting, he will finish the series in a matter of days.

He also doesn't know what kind of books he wants, so I just collect people's suggestions in the gifted forum and put them on a list. When he gets bored, I would go down the list to find one that's interesting and borrow them from the library.

When he is between series, he would pick books from our collection. Most books are not at his level, but I let him because this is his way to relax.
