After poking around Dr. Ruf's website I was inspired to check into her ideas about personality types (Myers Briggs type) in children and their effect on learning needs. It was very revealing when I discovered the personality types of my children and read the descriptions. It made it so evident why my son has such difficulty in school and not my daughter. The descriptions fit to a "T" and even had anecdotes that parallel our experiences such as my son telling his teacher that an assignment was "stupid" and "I don't care about the consequences, I won't do it." Interestingly my son and I share the same type while my daughter is quite different.
And true to one of the cliches of psychology, the traits that drive me crazy in him are ones I share! My daughter on the other hand is a cakewalk for the most part which is also part of her personality description.
There is also a discussion of the best types of learning environments for different personality types and I will be using this when I meet with his teacher, school adjustment counselor and principal next week. If you haven't already I would take a look into this part of the puzzle that is our children.