Originally Posted by joys
Grinity, if you don't mind can you please share what could be the signs of silent sufferings?
Sign #1 (almost inescapable in females, IMHO, also a problem for some males) - assuming that the problem is YOU, not the poor academic fit. Never getting a sense of one's potential. Always aiming too low. Pouring tremendous energy into figuring out a way to fit in and mask one's true being.

Sign #2 Stomach aches, saying 'I hate school'

Sign #3 Not wanting to try new things where one might be seen not knowing what they are doing. Being afraid to take chances. Needing one's school work to be perfect, to the point where the paper wears out from erasing, or the child refuses to try.

Sign #4 Saying: I'm too litte to read (or whatever) or child now refuses to use skills that they have, and it isn't to get a rise out of the parent.

Sign #5 Being emotionally invested in finishing first, being the fastest, assuming that being smart is all about never having to live a brain cell to learn.

I'm sure we could add a few more, but this is what comes to mind.
Best Wishes,

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