[quote=Grinity][quote=joys] This sounds like my DS13, who is an INTP or INTJ. It's hard to tell when they are so young. But the take home message is this: If you have a gifted child (especially a boy) who is social, and not approval seeking, be sure sure sure to get them in a good academic fit situation, because they will not suffer quietly! They also have a tendency to enjoy 'stirring things up' inside the classroom if aren't fully engaged and feeling like they have something to gain by compiling with the Adults.

Sorry, if I hijacked your quote incorrectly, Grinity. But, I have a question for you... What ended up being your fit for your DS13 at 4yrs? You are describing my DS4.5 now who is at home due to not finding a fit for him around here. I don't see a good fit in the near future either. If his speech were better, I'd try to skip him into 1st grade next year as he is fairly well-rounded academically; but the school systems here do not seem to be open-minded enough for that to happen. ("everyone evens out in the 3rd grade mindset") Any advice? Thanks.

Mom to DS6