Just wanted to say we're doing much better today. We're not doing any of our typical lessons, but we're doing fine. We leave tomorrow to go out of town for a wedding, so it'll be a nice break. We can start fresh next week with a new approach. Thanks to everyone for your support yesterday. It was a really tough day, and it helped so much.

I have the book called, Home Learning Year by Year, by Rebecca Rup. I went through the kindergarten and first grade curriculum (benchmarks) lists, and it helped to see how much ds already knows. I am going to focus on those items that he has yet to master and avoid the lesson by lesson approach I was taking with the curricula that I bought for homeschooling (Rightstart math, All About Spelling, First Language Lessons for the Well Trained MInd, Story of the World). I love all of those, but maybe I'm sticking too closely to the "plan".

Grinity-you asked about classes offered during the day. Ds goes to a mixed martial arts class three days a week, but he's just started that. It doesn't meet until 4pm though. It's hard to find any activities that go on during the daytime hours unless they are for toddlers. Ds also starts art and science classes at a small community private school next week. They meet once a week on Fridays. He'll be there for two hours for those classes plus one extra hour for recess with the kids. If it goes well, I could add another day or more at that school in the afternoons. It's going to come together eventually. I'm just not a very patient person. I want to make it work NOW! ; )

Hope you are all having a fabulous day!