Grinity-thank you so much. You need your very own Dear Abbey column for gifties! You have a gift for getting to the core of a problem, seeing it for what it really is, and putting it into perspective. Thank you for that.

Ds was diagnosed with SPD when he was 4 by an OT. His pediatrician didn't think it was SPD; she thought he was gifted way back then and related everything to that. She has a gifted son, and apparently my ds is much like her child. We did the OT for a while, a good long while, and I finally pulled ds out of it. It was a great clinic, and his therapist was very good, but after a while it didn't seem to make a big differnce for ds. I still implement a lot of the sensory integration strategies into our day, but maybe I need to do it on a very consistent basis instead of waiting to apply them when things are getting out of hand. I should probably use it as more of a preventative measure instead of as treatment on a particularly difficult day.

I will work on following ds's lead with regards to homeschooling. I'll probably get a lot more out of him that way. And, I'll give him time to recoup from the very stressful situation he was in at school. Thanks for helping me to get it together today. Your support was exactly what I needed.