Originally Posted by JenSMP
I feel like he has to learn to cope with situations that are unpleasant or in situations where he is uninterested.

I feel your pain here, but I really think that very small doses is what is called for.

We do have space for him to play but he is not very independent. For him, being the social creature that he is, solo activities are pointless. [/quote]
Yep! Although I'm all for 'no TV' during the school day, I think that for a kid like this, educational videos at his readiness level is ok to use as part of his day.

Are there any homeschool social times or homeschool physical education classes you can sign him up for?

He's beginning to play a little more on his own in his room,
Yippee! That's a really big deal!

Oh, and dh thinks some of this has to do withMom being teacher.
Yup, my DH thinks that everything is my fault. Maybe he doesn't think this on the inside, but he just says it in a 'knee-jerk' kind of manner. Way to be supportive dear! Was he planning on cutting back his work schedule to take on some of the burden? Actually, I think that working with DH to find an 'aftersupper' topic (Math, the Stockmarket, a 2nd language, anything you find boring...) is really a great idea. So glad he came up with it.

What I hate about this kind of suggestions, is that they don't lead anywhere. If I say, 'hey, maybe you are stressed and need more time off' you can arrange more time off and do deep breathing. If someone says, 'oh, that's because you are his Mom' what are you going to do? Go to the Judge and ask for emancipated Minor status? Hire a private tutor? Hey, your DH comes up with a lot of great ideas! I'm starting to like him!


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