We just had a HORRIBLE day yesterday with homeschooling DS8, and in fact the whole year has been pretty rough.

I think there have been two problems for us:

1) He never really committed to school this year. The phrase "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" was never so true as it is for homeschooling! Do whatever you can to get your child invested in the process. Allow him to pick topics for study. Let him choose which book to read and which subject to work on first. Anything to get him into.

2) I was reviewing too much and underchallenging him. Little wonder that he was acting out! Kids can get just as bored if Mom moves too slowly as they can with any other teacher. I picked up the pace and we had a much better day.

Also, be sure you're not asking for too much of your DS's time. This may not be a problem for you, but I think it pays to remember that in a 1-on-1 teaching situation, his brain pretty much always has to be on. It's very intense for a 6yo. When DS8 was that age, we did roughly 3.5 hours of work 4 days a week and that was PLENTY for the academic subjects! Even at age 8, we're not doing much more than that. So don't overdo it.

Hang in there. smile Talk more if you need to. I know I've been calling upon my support network lately! crazy
