Ok, did I say that my sweet boy is back because it seems he's now posessed by the devil! mad

I am at my wits end!!! I thought things were going so well with homeschooling, and now my ds6 has turned into a little moster! I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but I don't even want to be around him! Everything that comes out of his mouth is negative. We're back to constant meltdowns over EVERYTHING. Last night he dropped a big block on his foot,and I know it hurt, but I couldn't even respond to his meltdown. I'm immune to them now! It's like the little boy who cried wolf. You just stop reacting.

He will not cooperate with anything I try to teach him now. I hear, "I can't do it" or "This is too boring." I try a traditional approach, and he's bored. I try a nontraditional approach, and he's bored or says he doesn't get it and melts down. The thing is, I know he is capable of what we are doing. I feel like he's pushing my buttons because I'm Mom. I have no patience for this. I feel so much pressure to make homeschooling work that when we have day after day of accomplishing nothing, I feel like I'm failing. It was going so well; what has happened?!!!

Then, to top it off, I am convinced he has ADHD which just adds to the stress. He went to his martial arts class yesterday, and he didn't pay attention at all. The instructor is constantly having to redirect him. It's only his second lesson, but my point is I'm seeing the inattention in every setting. I really don't want to medicate him, but I'm not sure what to do.

I'm trying to work on scheduling and following a strict schedule b/c I hear that that's what works best with children with ADHD. Because I'm always redirecting and dealing with meltdowns we can't seem to keep to our schedule.

He's just so negative all of a sudden. I know something is going on with him, but I'm at a loss and just exhausted with it at this point. I'm sorry; I'm just overwhelmed and need to vent in a safe place I don't want to lose it with my family because I don't want to hear "I told you so" about homeschooling.

Thanks for "listening".