Originally Posted by Wyldkat
When Bear was about 6 months I knew he had allergies. The stand in pediatrician (ours was on maternity leave) said no, babies that age can't have allergies. So I gave him allergy medication in the correct dose for his size and voila! no more symptoms. Our Pediatrician came back and agreed with me...
Great Story. I don't reccomend people 'doing medicine' on their own children,(unless it's an Over-the-counter Medicine with directions for the proper age group ) but I do reccomend 'doctor shopping' until you find someone who argees with you. It's a fine line - I know, but what if you really did need a doctor someday, wouldn't you want to find one who is 'good' in advance.

Let's level - although there are (many,some,at least a few) pediatricians who are as Intelligent as one could wish, as a group, the specialty of pediatrics doesn't attract the brightest of medical students. I've been blessed to find some of the exceptions, but don't be all resentful if it feels like you know more, and reason better, than your Pediatrician. Given the LOG of the kids around here, you just plain probably do.

I know, so many of us grew up with the idea that 'smart people become doctors.' A better picture would be that hardworking, compliant, bright to MG,dedicated people become clinical doctors. An HG or PG kid who wanted to go into clinical medicine would probably have to also teach, or do research, or happen to be off the wall 'Emotionally Gifted' to be really satisfied. Or come from an economic or social background where this kind of career was beyond their wildest dreams.

So yes, get the sleep apnea and allergy angles checked out, and keep asking for those referrals even if the pedi seems to be subtly discouraging. Eventually you will find the 'right' pediatrician for your family.


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