JenSMP - what do you think of these?

more physical activity => better sleeping, perhaps?

what kind of fun can you have on your "fall break"?

Originally Posted by Grinity
B) Plan some nurturing activities, hopefully outside and physically active for the two of you together.

D) Go into 'observation mode.' Throw all your expectations out the window, be grateful for your health and his, and see what happens if you just observe. Cancel classes for the week and call it vacation. See if you can get your son to 'want' school. Meanwhile bake cookies, clean the house, go to the library, visit friends. Afterall, he's probably already learned more in the past few weeks of homeschooling that he would have learned in an entire year of school, so you don't have to be worried or stressed anymore. What would you do with DS if you had a whole year just to 'have health fun?'