Originally Posted by Mama22Gs
She said that some kids just NEED that movement when they're young, and that they end up using more brain power to keep still than they do to learn. Apparently, most people grow out of it, although some still need to have some kind of outlet (e.g., bouncing their legs).

If ADHD had been such a popular "diagnosis" back when I was in school, I certainly would have been placed on a Ritalin drip.
(Funny/sadly, though, my "symptoms" were practically non-existent in any of my challenging classes. Hmmm.)

To this day, I drive my family nuts because I have such difficulty just sitting still. My DS is quite similar, and I suspect that he, like me, has a bad case of PBLS.

So far, he's much steadier at school than I was, so I've not worried about the school sending home suggestive ADD/AHDH literature. And, thankfully, his PBLS hasn't been too troublesome at school.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz