Originally Posted by master of none
When dd was 6, she did those things, but it wasn't a problem in the classroom. I'd go and observe and see her dancing off to the side. But when I'd ask the teacher if she had trouble focusing, or sitting still, the teacher always said No.

DD wasn't the only one. There were several, some more disruptive than others.

I too have wondered through the years if dd has ADHD. I've looked at the various charts too, and each time, she just barely misses the criteria. If we give her tons of exercise, she is OK. If she has stimulating work, she is OK. It's only when she is forced to stay still and is bored for an extended period of time (OK 30 min) that she begins to bounce off the walls. She may have ADHD, but for now, we know how to treat it: Stimulate and exercise. So we aren't doing anything about a diagnosis

This is where we are now. However, when ds was in school, it was a disruption. With homeschooling, it's not really as issue. I'm thinking of enrolling ds in some classes at a community school (to supplement hs), so we'll see how it goes there! Thanks again to all!