We've wondered if ds6 has ADHD due to difficulty paying attention in the classroom. He's also extrememly active. We recently pulled him from a private school, and I'm homeschooling because we thought he was just bored. I did my research, discussed it with the psychologist who did our gifted testing, and noted the similarities in the characteristics between ADHD and gifted students who are unchallenged. Very similar, right? So, I thought I'd work with him at home and see how the behaviors changed, if at all. He's learning a lot more, and he's very interested in what we are doing (pays attention pretty well), but he's in constant motion, stands rather than sits, lays down on the floor...you get the picture. So, now I'm thinking, I know he's gifted, but maybe he also has ADHD. He's definitely not bored when we're working at home. I asked him last night about why he thinks he's always moving, and here's what he said, "If I am still for just a second it feels like I've been still for a long time. I have to move my muscles or else they'll get stiff like when you sit in one position for too long. I can actually listen better if I'm moving. Otherwise, it feels like I'm trying to do two things at one time, like trying to pat your head and rub your belly. If I'm thinking about being still, it's hard to listen to the other things you are saying." I thought that was pretty insightful; I'm no expert on ADHD, but I was wondering if anyone here has any opinions or could share their experience. Thank you.