DS7 thinks better when in motion, too. Frankly, he started moving in utero and has never stopped. (Seriously, it was like having a roller coaster running inside me! *lol*)

During DS's IQ/achievement testing this past summer, the psychologist noted that he frequently was more comfortable answering while walking around. She (the psych) said it did not mean he has ADHD. She also said that she thinks it's unfortunate that teachers force kids to be still in class at this age. She said that some kids just NEED that movement when they're young, and that they end up using more brain power to keep still than they do to learn. Apparently, most people grow out of it, although some still need to have some kind of outlet (e.g., bouncing their legs).

FYI -- I notice that the only time DS is really still is when he's completely engaged in a book. Other than that, it's pacing, sitting upside down on the couch, climbing on the back of a chair, climbing on me... *lol* You get the idea.

Hope this helps.