All good posts here.

I'd add that this has to be about the kids and the parents and solving their problems. I cannot stress this enough. They are your customer and you have to perform. I'd look at others' sites who do this for a feeling of what they do. Another point is that its the women - mothers - who will be 90% of the decision makers on this. You need to focus on them. Just look at this site - almost all the posters are female.

Getting the gifties organized in Texas would be a big step.

I'd say that identifying these kids and giving parents some tools is another big step. Pediatricians are the first line to do this and could screen for this and then provide materials to parents. Our Ped ID'd Mr W almost immediately, but she did not point us anywhere.

Setting up an in-service/CE program for medical professionals and teachers would be a good track. Generating materials for both professionals and parents on their kids which would then point them to resources is desperately needed.