There are a few things that come to mind immediately when considering marketing. Most parents of GT kids feel like they have very limited options when it comes to speaking with someone who actually "gets it". That's one of the reasons this site is so popular. The schools are signifigantly under educated when it comes to dealing with a HG or PG child. They tend to base most of their decisions on the social or emotional child rather than the academic child. Even though research is overwhelmingly in favor of acceleration for these kids, many of the schools still refuse. Educating the schools would be a good place to start!

Another issues that all parents of GT kids can identify with is the idea that having a GT child somehow means you have lots of disposable income! JHU and EPGY are great programs, but who can afford them? The cost of testing is phenomenal and for many when it's obvious that the only choice is to homeschool, it takes an entire income away from the household which many simply can't afford to do. It leaves you with a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach that somehow you're sacrificing what's best for your child for the sake of the almighty dollar. But that's just real life at it's finest....

I think for those of us with children on the extreme end, you spend alot of time stumbling blindly, hoping and praying that you're making the right choices. I just agreed to skip my 6 yo to 4th grade next year. Will I regret it later? maybe, but there is no road map or instruction manual. If you have a child with a disability, the support is there. Disability, SSI and Federal and State money for the school to do whatever needs to be done to help your child reach their potential.

If your child is PG? "We'll he'll be fine, anyone that smart will be just fine" Is it any wonder why we're so far behind in terms of education with other countries? Gifted education should be level with SPED. Children identified should be given the flexibility in programs that they need and the schools should get the funding to do it!

I'm luckier than alot of the parents on here in that my local school is doing everything they can to keep up with my son. There are many parents on here who spend all of their time having doors slammed in their faces by people who claim to be educators but are in fact nothing more than bean counters, the beans being the SBA test scores.

This has gone from marketing strategies to a big old rant, so I'll stop now. I hope i've started your quest for ideas!

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!