The baby might be. She is starting to walk more with out holding on. She came into our room and was playing with a clock. I told her it was a clock. Later in the day she came in our room again and I asked her what she was doing. She said clock and went past me to play with the clock again. She also will look under things . She will bend down and look under the couch to find a toy and pull out the toy. It is funny because she is so tiny. It is funny to see her move so fast. Her expressions seem much older. She is starting to say a few words like up, bottle, cup mostly if she wants something.

DS2 is annoyed because she will follow him around and try to take his toys. DS2 wears this sparkly cape or a lion suit at home most of the time. DD8m has her eye on the cape and she will chase him and pull on it until he lets her play with it. Today he did not want to share the cape and DD8m bit him.

He was appalled and surprised and said, "that baby bit me". Then he went in his room all offended and shut the door. She only has two teeth so I guess she mostly gummed him. They are pretty funny.