Originally Posted by Val
My first one's pediatrician kept saying "99th percentile!" at well-baby checkups when he was a very young infant. I remember he said "Now, if he turned his head to a noise, that would be REALLY out there..."

I was having a giftie-keep-quiet! reaction at that moment and didn't say that, yes, DS would turn his head when I shook his rattle. I guess I decided it was enough for me to know. Looking back on it right now, I think the doc really wanted to see this reaction in a very little baby, so I probably should have shaken something! Oh well.
I wonder whether your doctor was teasing you? I wondered whether it was just that I had a giftie too that made me think it's perfectly normal for very young babies to turn their heads towards a noise, but no, here it is as a common thing in the 0-1 month age range:

On the third day after mine was born, DH was holding him a few feet away from me, and I waved at him. He waved back, and I was convinced it was deliberate. Only happened that once though, so I suppose it must have been coincidence. Still...

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