Hi Kristi04 -
First of all, Did you know that a higher than expected number of high school drop outs are gifted? Just some food for thought.

2nd - do you know any people in the medical profession who would mentor your daughter. My son at ten is also beyond me in many of his interests - so welcome to the club!

Think of music as an example. What would you do if you had a musically talented child? Would you feel personally resposible if you couldn't teach her yourself? I wouldn't.

Also the internet has lots of websites.

Ruf levels are from a book by Dr. Deborah Ruf Loosing our Minds, gifted children left behind.

You can get an idea of "how gifted" your child is by doing a talent search from one of the universities or by looking at Davidson's YSP page.
Or you can look at the individual tests and see if it says "superior" or "very superior" -

Truth is that there is a wide range of giftedness and a wide range of how people divide up levels of giftedness. What ReallY matters is meeting your daughter's needs. They will always be individual, no matter what the test says.

Welcome again and ask away! We're standing by ((wink))

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