Are you referring to Ruf's levels of gifted when you say 'level 2'? This is useful information when conversing with online pals -but the school isn't going to recognize the terminology.

Do you have test scores to back that up?

If so, share the test scores and the HG diagnosis from the tester with the school. You are a parent and want to make sure that you provide open communication and let them know what you know. etc. Not demanding - just informing. That alone may get you some cooperation.

If not, don't diagnose to the school. Simply let the teacher know about some of your daughter's achievements and about your concerns about school boredom. Is there a way you can work together to address this? etc. This can also be a useful approach.

As for enrichment activities - good luck. Hard to find stuff anywhere at that age for gifted, per se. (You might find a homeschooler group for gifted though - I have heard of some of those.) However, lots of other enrichment activities based on interests that may be better anyway - example - art or music classes. gynastics or dance classes. karate or sports teams. Brownies - whatever. While many of these aren't specifically for gifted kids, they often include gifted kids as parents of gifted kids are very likely to be searching for enrichment activities for their kids. Also - as long as they spark her interest - it will still serve as more useful than school in many ways.

Definitely speak to the teacher though. You should avoid the G word unless you have a formal diagnosis, but you can talk around it.

Good luck,
