hello all i am new to this site and a little bit of back ground is my husband and i have a 10th grade education and we have 2 gifted childern. our daughter is in 4th grade and our son is in 2nd. How do you find out how gifted they really are I know there iq scores but what is rufs? and what is level 2? Jeremy how can I tell if I am holding them back? Anything I throw at my kids they will do. It is hard to keep up so the past 2 years I have been letting the school do their thing my kids are in the gifted program and they also participate in the county math compition as well as eaasy contest. I want to do more at home but I feel I can no longer keep up with the 9 year old she has always been interested in surgey. She did want to become a scientist now she wants to become a surgon and work in the ER. so I do let her watch all the shows on it but again how much is too much she is 9.