I also agree on the genetic component.

I have 3 VERY different children but I am betting my money on DD4 and DS2 being at least MG. They don't seem to have the same intesities or strengths as DS6 but they are both meeting academic milestones at the same rapid pace.

DS6 seems more mathematical and verbal. He also ready pretty early and has been tested at HG+.

DD4 is more physically and artistically gifted than her brothers. She currently has no interest in learning to read but I have a feeling she knows much more than she lets on.

DS2 seems to be more of a problem solver. His puzzle skills are amazing. He has also been a counting machine lately. I can't do anything without him counting things.

Only time will tell with DD4 and DS2 but statistically I don't think I could accidently have 3 gifted children without a genetic component involved.
