Yes. We've had that same experience. In fact, when my DD was barely 2 years old, I had a friend that kept asking "what's your secret?" and she even went so far as to request that I "teach [her child's name]; so that she can be like 'Boo'". She broke off the friendship and told me that she couldn't "remain friends with someone someone so selfish!"

The funny thing was that I *did* tell her what we did. She just didn't believe me. I told her we played a lot, I read a lot of books to DD, I encouraged DD to explore, I gave her lots of things to try, I let her get messy - in short we had lots of fun doing "stuff". I thought her DD was a cute kid and didn't compare them. They were barely 2 years old! I didn't see the point. Apparently, my ex-fiend spent lots of time comparing.

Now my kids are almost 5 and 3, and I still get some comments here and there - not as many, or rather (and I hate to sound cynical, because it isn't my nature) they are more veiled and harder to discern. For example, when a "friend" noticed that DD was reading, she launched into a monologue about "children's brains being damaged because their nueral pathways are set prematurely when they learn to read before the age of 7". (That was the gist of it anyway.) Then she went on to say, "...but I don't really mean your kids. (Wink, wink)". I have no idea if I should be insulted or not. I find myself wondering that very thing *every* time I spend more than two minutes with her. Needless to say, I am distancing myself from that relationship.