Originally Posted by Austin
That's an amazing memory he has!! LOL

Our Pediatrician did not make a fuss out Mr W. She was very matter of fact and broached the subject at his 6 mos checkup. At 12 mos, she asked a lot of questions and then told us we'd have an interesting time with him. It was very low key.

IMHO peds should screen for GT just like they do for disabilities. It would give parents some information they could work with.

I have held some resentment towards my Pediatrician b/c she didn't inform me about gifted. When DD was a tiny thing they marveled at her abilities but by the time she was 6 months and the doctor was checking on milestones she disregarded a lot of what we told her. Our office would give a handout on what to expect during the months before the next visit which included milestones. We would read it and laugh out loud because DD had already mastered all of those but the doctor basically ignored it. She would ask questions about if DD has said any words yet. Um yes, she talks in complete sentences and give her some examples but she would just smile and continue on. I think she thought we were boosting parents that had no idea. It got to the point that I just held my tongue b/c what was the point, especially since DD was not going to openly display her abilities in public.

But by her 2nd year check up DD was more willing to share and talk in sentences but again this was very simplified for her. But this shocked the doctor and she acknowledge that DD was highly intelligent but again never mentioned gifted.