Yep, goes w/ the territory I'm afraid. I would cringe when DS would show his precocity in public. I recall when my oldest was in story time at the library. All the moms were sitting and talking in the library. It was about the 3rd library session and the other 2 times, DS then about 20months, had put together a shapes puzzle the prior 2 times. He picked up a piece and said "Look mommy, this one is a trapezoid! And here is a square, a circle, and a hexagon." The room got deathly quiet and all the heads whipped around. I just slunk into my chair and put my head down until the moment passed lol.

But I've gotten "OH you must really work with him." To that I reply, "Well, if you call reading to him, playing with him, taking him to interesting places and being out in nature for hours a day working with him, guilty as charged." that usually shifts the conversation lol.