Originally Posted by CAMom
We are very fortunate to have a very young, probably PG doctor who said when DS was 18 mo "Um... you should probably start thinking about school" and opened the door for a lot of conversation. We were taken aback a bit because DS was born prematurely and all we'd ever heard from the docs was "He'll probably be normal by 3!" but nobody told us to watch for the other direction :-)

Mr W was premature, too. But he had an apgar of 9. The Ped told us at 1 mo that she had to keep reading her notes to remind herself he was a preemie as he looked her right in the eyes and smiled. At that time she said we should use the "corrected age" for his milestones. She dropped that at 3 mos. I like her a lot as she goes into technical and diagnostic details. The other docs are more high level. Maybe she is PG as she has great sensitivity.