Originally Posted by Edwin
When we tested with the SB-LM at 4, the pyhscologist strongly suggested that we start teaching him at home. Her concern was that he was teaching himself, and that anything that he learned incorrectly would have to be redone. And that it would be more difficult because of stuborness, and perfectionsim.

We were very much like you, not teaching much...he just seemed to teach himself everything. We would answer questions and oversee him...but never sat down to teach ever. When we did a consult with our psychologist before doing testing she mentioned that he needs to be challenged more or he will never learn how to work at things and give up easy (as I actually was noticing at times) and she also mentioned relearning things. It is so true. He started writing at such a young age...maybe 2, that now I watch him and think about how he writes some things wrong. He doesn't do "top to bottom" sometimes, or would rather write capital letters. Because he has done it for so long it is kind of hard to get him to do it other ways. He still does it, and I praise him when he writes and uses lowercase when he should. But I do see the point about having to relearn things. We also have this problem because he plays a game on-line called "fowl words" It's a fun game you can just download on the computer where it scrambles up letters and you have to make words from them. Well on the game I swear they count abbreviations and other strange things as words (or maybe my vocabulary isn't all that good and I just think they aren't words, LOL). So now he will insist that things are words because they are on fowl words. It's quite annoying. I guess that was a little off topic, but annoying nonetheless : )