Thanks. It's so nice to hear that someone understands and has found a solution. Any info you have on HS would be appreciated.
My son who is going to be 7 in March is tall -- no make that down right huge for his age. Off the growth chart. He's bigger than many 4th graders at his school. Given his verbal skills he's always been thought of as older. Add the whole gifted thing to the mix and even I have fallen for having higher behavioral expectations than he's capable of right now. When your watching a PBS special on the brain and he's talking about & understanding theories on brain function it can be easy to forget that he's 6.
Thanks again everyone. This forum has really helped me feel a bit better. It's so nice to be able to share without being judged. Everyone thinks you have a personal ego to stroke when you have a gifted kid. I find I can't talk to many people about any of this. Which makes me the frustrated Mom that I am. ;-)