Thanks for the link on NJ's policy. I know our district is not meeting the 2005 mandate on gifted education. I've spoken with the NJDOE Director G&T, who basically told me there's not enough time to monitor all school districts for compliance. Districts know this. I work for another public school and they are blatantly out of compliance and do not care.
Here's one of many problems in NJ -- I could call Trenton and report my district & they would eventually investigate. Trenton might even make my district correct it's assessment methods & actually offer appropriate instruction starting in kindergarten as per the mandate. Here's the catch -- the state does not specifically require IQ testing so the district can rely entirely on subjective measures like teacher recommendations. (I read recently that teachers are correct in identifying gifted kids 4.3% of the time.) Under NJ law a district does not have to honor outside testing or assessments. Add to that a kid who presents like or actually has ADHD and they are most likely not going to be identified as gifted under these circumstances. Especially if the district has an ax to grind with the parents who reported them to the state for being out of compliance.
I've been tempted on more than one occasion to report our district. I stop because I think in the long run more harm than good will come to my son.
I need to move...
Momofgtboys - I hear you!
By the way, being new here I've noticed a lot text I'm not familiar with - what do things like DD7 & DD stand for? I figure it's a reference for someone's child.